Sunday, August 3, 2008

How To Create a Good Relationship With Model

As a photographer, we have to create a good relationship with our model. It's really important thing. whether you like the model or no, you have to make the model always feel beautiful. it's really influence to the result of picture that you made.

I will give you a trick to make a good relationship with model :
  1. Before you have a session, you have to chat with your model, and show your exciting about her/him. You have to feel that this model will be enjoy with you.
  2. Show the model your photos, and tell them that you believe if they can do better than this.
  3. You SHOULD always give your pride about them. Tell if she/he is beautiful, handsome, and tell them that they were do a really good job.
  4. SMILE even you feel bad mood and you don't like the Model. But still! Give a Pride! and do your best!
  5. DON'T YOU EVER SIGHING WHEN YOU FEEL THAT YOUR SHOT IS AWFUL. Keep Smiling! Don't make your model's confidence down.
  6. After the session, burn the image into CD and give them the result. If you want to edit the photo, tell them that you will give them the result.
Believe me. If you always make your model feel comfort with you.. you will get what you want, you will get the mood, and you will be their favorite photographer! :)

Your Behavior is Show what you really are.. :)

Love, nanath


Anonymous said...

Great !!

Anonymous said...


I update your blogspot on my blog, congratz !!

Unknown said...

klw buat self-potraits gimana nath? ngaruh ga tips ini teh?

Anonymous said...

i'll be looking forward to more tips!!!