Saturday, August 16, 2008

Natural Skin Softer

Okay, this time i want to make a tutorial about how to make your photo softer. Actually, there are so many way to make skin softer, but i want to share on my way..
check this tutorial out :

Original Photo :

STEP 1 :
Duplicate your image

STEP 2 :
Select Healing Brush Tool, Alt+click on smooth area, then click over the area that you want to remove.

STEP 3 :
Select Filter>Noise>Dust and Scratches

Add layer mask in duplicate layer (Layer 1), and invert it with Alt+I, you will see full black area in layer mask. Now, erase area you want to.

STEP 5 :
Flatten The Image, and duplicate it twice. see the image below, make sure you are in this position.

STEP 6 :
Let's work with soft layer first. Select Filter>Blur>Surface blur

Now, we work with hard layer. Please make the layer visible, then select the layer mask right beside the image layer. Then, please select Image>Apply Image.

STEP 8 :
Now, select back the Image Layer (not the Layer Mask), then select Filter>Other>Highpass

You can modify the radius, depend your image.. I usually modify it between 1,0-2,8
After this, change the blending image into Linear Light.

If you think it's too sharp, you can change the fill and opacity as you like.

STEP 9 :
Now, use ALT+G for create a group and drag the SOFT and HARD into it. Add a layer mask in group

STEP 10 :
now, please remove in layer mask (group) the area you want to make it soft.

This is the result.

The skin in softer now.

Love, nanath


Anonymous said...

ooow... gitu... *manggut"*, wah jadi pengen nyoba neeh. cari korban dulu aaah... :d

Search: Amar Abdillah Basir said...

wah !
nice job !
i'm Amar from Malaysia !
cantik amat luw pnya kerja !
keep in touch :))

Adam Kalpataru said...

hmm keren non tutmye hehhe..
cmn mo nambah bolehkann??hehe..
hmm klo cara ky lo sbnrnya gw pake beberapa thn yg lalu..klo make healing ems bersih cmn hasilnya terlalu smooth n flat..:p

nah klo cara gw make patch dlo baru stamp yg tipiiiss ky kaen..:p

klo surface blur ok juga tuhh tinggal lo munculin detail kulit.. copy aj kulit aslinye yg dah d bersihin trus d opacity..kelar hehe..:D

lam kenal ye..nice blog:D

Anonymous said...
